5 Creative Ideas on: How to Organize School Supplies at Home
These 5 tips will walk you through how to organize school supplies at home so you'll always feel on top of your organization.

Have you ever struggled to declutter during the school year? I'm going to walk you through exactly how to organize school supplies at home so that you can stay clutter-free.
I know exactly how difficult it can be to stay organized when you're running to and from a million different clubs and extracurriculars. It can feel impossible. But, I promise you, it's not. Figuring out how to organize your school supplies at home will feel easy after you read this post.
Staying organized during the school year isn't a difficult task if you have the right systems in place to make it easy. It's as simple as creating a system and staying consistent with it.
By following these steps and staying consistent with your organizational efforts, you'll find that keeping your school supplies in order becomes second nature. With a clutter-free workspace, you'll be able to focus better on school and achieve academic success without feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of clutter.
This post is all about how to organize school supplies at home for a smooth school year.
How to Organize Your School Supplies At Home
1. School Supplies List

Starting with a good school supplies list is paramount to staying organized with your school supplies throughout the year. When it comes to all things organization, I think that preparation is key. When going school supply shopping, ensure that you're buying only what you need. Clutter can become an issue very quickly, and if your goal is staying clutter-free, you don't want to go buy a ton of stuff.
Before you go shopping for school supplies take into account what supplies you actually used that previous year and what got discarded early on in the school year. Also, take into account anything that your school recommends you to buy. Once you have a solid list of items that are both useful and necessary, then you can embark on a shopping spree.
When you're ready to start shopping I would recommend going to stores where you can buy everything in one visit. This is more efficient and it ensures that you don't forget if you already have something and accidentally buy more.
By approaching school supply shopping with a prepared mindset and a well-defined list, you can streamline the process, minimize clutter, and set yourself up for a successful and organized academic year.
Related Post: 5 Popular School Supplies to Make Your School Year Easier
2. School Supplies Containers

When organizing school supplies in your space it can be helpful to have correctly-sized containers for everything. If you have paper clips, thumbtacks, erasers, or extra lead, that should all go into small containers. Also, it really helps with organization if you can store small things away in drawers or somewhere else. This way if it does get a little messy, it's out of sight. The Container Store is probably the first place you should visit when looking for the right storage for your supplies.
Additionally, having a designated filing system for pieces of paper can help your folders to remain organized throughout the school year. I would recommend a binder for papers from each class. This ensures that if you take something out of your folder and need it later on you know exactly where to find it.
My last tip is that if you have a designated area where school supplies go, like a study room, desk, or closet, make sure you regularly clean that area out. This can be at the start of each school year or during school breaks. Setting aside time throughout the year for you to ensure that your space is being maintained helps with organization.
If you share a study space with family members, involve them in the organization process to create a harmonious environment. Using storage containers can be a great way to establish clear guidelines for maintaining order. They can encourage everyone to contribute to keeping the space tidy and clutter-free.
3. School Supply Storage

Finding the right place to store and organize all of your school supplies is SO important. It's especially important when it comes to staying organized at home. If you don't have space for a designated school or area, then make use of shelves or buildable storage. it can be helpful to buy containers, to fill desk space you're not using. If the containers aren't see-through, you'll be able to store a lot of supplies and papers in them without the rest of the room looking too messy.
You can hide supply storage in a ton of different ways. You could use boxes with lids or buy a drawer unit that isn't clear. The caveat to storing things away so that they're difficult to see is that you need to LABEL EVERYTHING! This simple yet effective strategy ensures that you can easily find what you need and prevents frustration and disorganization. If you can't find anything you're looking for, it's only going to make you more disorganized. A plus side of using containers is that you can stack things. This is great because it can help with keeping a room look decluttered. If you have the option to stack storage units or boxes, use it.
Don't forget to regularly adjust your organization system as needed. As the school year progresses and your needs change, you may find that certain storage solutions are no longer effective or that you need additional space for new supplies. Stay flexible and be willing to make changes to ensure that your school supply storage remains efficient and organized.
4. Wall Organization

Organizing supplies on the wall is definitely an art form to be mastered. If it's done incorrectly it can leave a space looking more cluttered than when you started.
My number one tip when using wall organization is to BE PICKY. Your wall storage shouldn't make all of your school supplies super visible. I would recommend choosing what you store carefully. Everything can start to look very cluttered very quickly. Be picky about what you're choosing to leave out in plain sight.
You could repurpose a shoe organizer to store things like scissors or smaller crafts. (This would be best behind a door you can close so that the mess stays hidden.) Or you could use a hanging wall pocket set to store any papers you can't find a home for. I also think that a wall caddy would be a great way to easily hang things up.
Consider your skill level when it comes to building things. If you don't have a ton of experience putting things together, then I wouldn't go out and buy a super complicated wall storage set. It's never a good idea to bite off more than you can chew. Especially when it comes to organization projects it's an easy way to end up quitting them.
5. School Supplies Organizer D.I.Y

Probably the easiest, most accessible way to organize your school supplies is by making your own storage. Some of the most popular storage ideas are using:
- Mason Jars
They store pens, pencils, markers, scissors, and even small craft materials like beads or buttons. And, you can arrange them on a shelf or desk for easy access, or attach them to a wooden board for a space-saving wall-mounted storage solution.
- Old Shoeboxes
Instead of throwing these away, you can transform them by decorating them with wrapping paper, fabric, paint, or whatever you have lying around. You can use dividers or smaller boxes inside to organize different types of supplies. Or, stack them on a shelf or under a desk to maximize vertical space.
- Baskets
Depending on the size of your baskets you can use them for various things. Large baskets can hold textbooks, notebooks, and folders, while smaller baskets can store items like calculators, rulers, and sticky notes. You can place them on shelves or in cubbies for easy access.
- Hanging Organizers
As mentioned in the wall organization section, hanging organizers can be your best friend. Hanging organizers, such as over-the-door shoe organizers or fabric pockets with hooks are ideal. Especially for storing smaller items like art supplies, index cards, or flashcards. Hang them on the back of a door or on a wall near your workspace to keep supplies within arm's reach without taking up valuable desk or shelf space.
Making use of the tools around you is probably your best bet when it comes to D.I.Y. organizers. A positive of D.I.Y.ing your organization is that you have full control of aesthetics. Making all of your storage areas your own is a great way to ensure that you feel motivated to stay organized. It's also always a plus when your organization can match your style.
By implementing these strategies and remaining adaptable to changing needs, you'll create a well-organized and visually appealing space for studying and learning. Effective school supply storage not only enhances productivity but also fosters a sense of calm and focus in your home environment.
This post was all about how to organize school supplies at home for the best school year.
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